Client Functions
Client functions exclusive to the extendedmode framework
For these functions to work you must be using the extendedmode method of importing functions.
To do this simply add shared_script '@extendedmode/imports.lua'
to your fxmanifest.lua.
ExM.Game.PlayAnim(animDict, animName, upperbodyOnly, duration)
This function is a quick and easy way to play any animation you want without having to request animation dictionaries or specify a heap of parameters.
Argument | Data Type | Optional | Default Value | Description |
animDict | string | No | - | The animation dictionary |
animName | string | No | - | The animation in the dictionary to play |
upperbodyOnly | boolean | Yes | false | If you want the animation to only affect the upperbody |
duration | integer | Yes | -1 (full animation) | Duration in ms you want the animation to run for |
ExM.Game.PlayAnim("mini@sprunk", "plyr_buy_drink_pt1", false, 1500)
ExM.Game.CreatePed(pedModel, pedCoords, isNetworked, pedType)
This function is a quick and easy way to create a ped without having to request models or anything, you can choose whether or not to store the ped in a variable or not.
Argument | Data Type | Optional | Default Value | Description |
pedModel | hash | No | - | The model of the ped you want to spawn |
pedCoords | vector3/4 | No | - | You can use a vector3 or vector4 here, if only using a vector3 the heading will default to 0.0 |
isNetworked | boolean | Yes | false | If you want the ped to be networked or not |
pedType | integer | Yes | 4 (PED_TYPE_CIVMALE) | The type of ped you want to use. List of Ped Types |
local coords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
local ped = ExM.Game.CreatePed(`a_m_m_acult_01`, vec4(, 180.0), true, 27)
ExM.Markers.Add(mType, mPos, red, green, blue, alpha, rangeToShow, bobUpAndDown, mScale, mRot, mDir, faceCamera, textureDict, textureName)
This function is a quick and easy way to create a marker and to draw it appropriately and efficiently without degrading performance
Argument | Data Type | Optional | Default Value | Description |
mType | integer | No | - | The type of marker you want to use List of Marker Types |
mPos | vector3 | No | - | The position of where the marker is, you must use a vector3 here |
red | integer | No | - | The red channel of the colour you want the marker (0-255) |
green | integer | No | - | The green channel of the colour you want the marker (0-255) |
blue | integer | No | - | The blue channel of the colour you want the marker (0-255) |
alpha | integer | No | - | The alpha channel of the colour you want the marker (0-255) |
rangeToShow | integer | Yes | 50.0 | The range at which you want the marker to show |
bobUpAndDown | boolean | Yes | false | If you want the marker to bob up and down |
mScale | vector3 | Yes | vec(1, 1, 1) | The size of the marker |
mRot | vector3 | Yes | vec(0, 0, 0) | The rotation of the marker |
mDir | vector3 | Yes | vec(0, 0, 0) | The direction of the marker |
faceCamera | boolean | Yes | false | If you want the marker to face the camera |
textureDict | string | Yes | nil | A custom texture dictionary if you want your own marker type |
textureName | string | Yes | nil | The name of the texture in the texture dictionary |
-- This would create and store the marker in a variable, this is using custom textures from a Rockstar texture dictionary
local marker = ExM.Markers.Add(1, vec(1224.128, 2710.614, 38.00576), 255, 0, 0, 100, 100.0, false, vec(5, 5, 2), vec(0, 0, 0), vec(0, 0, 0), false, "mpmissmarkers256", "special_vehicle_race_series")
-- Or if you want a more simple circular marker you could do the following which only needs the marker type, pos and rgba values. It will use the default values for everything else
local marker2 = ExM.Markers.Add(1, vec(1224.128, 2710.614, 38.00576), 255, 0, 0, 100)
This function is for removing a marker you previously created with ExM.Markers.Add
Argument | Data Type | Optional | Default Value | Description |
markerVar | integer | No | - | The variable of the marker you want to remove |
-- Create the marker
local marker = ExM.Markers.Add(1, vec(1224.128, 2710.614, 38.00576), 255, 0, 0, 100)
-- Remove it later when you don't need it anymore
This function is for checking if you're in a marker you previously created with ExM.Markers.Add
Argument | Data Type | Optional | Default Value | Description |
markerVar | integer | No | - | The variable of the marker you want to check |
-- Create the marker
local marker = ExM.Markers.Add(1, vec(1224.128, 2710.614, 38.00576), 255, 0, 0, 100)
-- Check if you're standing in the marker (run this in a loop)
if ExM.Markers.In(marker) then
-- You're in the marker, do some stuff here